Tennis elbow is the common name given to pain originating on the outside of the elbow. This condition arises from an irritation of the tendons of one or several forearm muscles at their attachment to the bony protuberance close to the elbow joint. If the condition is located on the inside of the elbow it is often referred as Golfer’s Elbow.

Causes of Elbow Pain

There are many causes for tennis or golfer’s pain – not just tennis & golf – as any activity that involves repetitive gripping of objects can result in this affliction.  Some individuals develop tennis or golfer’s elbow from prolonged carrying of heavy bags, knitting, chopping food, and/or computer work using improper wrist and arm posture. With sports, the problem arises when we are new to the game, use an improper technique, try out new racquets or clubs, or increase the intensity or duration of exercise without the proper preparation.  Some cases can be attributed to problems further up the arm or even in the neck. If someone has a disc condition or spinal subluxation, the nerves that control the forearm muscles may become irritated causing the muscles to tense and put marked strain on the tendon attachment(s). If left untreated it is possible that the joints of the elbow can become subluxated further complicating the condition.

Treatment of Elbow Pain

Tennis elbow is a condition that rarely resolves of its own accord and so requires proper medical management. A chiropractor can determine the exact cause of the problem and initiate the proper care and treatment. This might include ultrasound, electrotherapy, massage, hot and cold treatments, bracing and home stretching and exercises. Chiropractic adjustments have proven extremely effective in the overall management of this problem.

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